Wednesday, May 14, 2008

geek blogging

seriously I am hitting all new levels of geekdom I can now schedule when I want my blogs to publish. Convenient for someone who still does not have access to a computer at home(just a few weeks more?? right my dear brother if you are reading this).
In fact right now I am in fact sitting in a waiting room while my MIL has her colonoscopy reading either Vanity Fair or a Dean Koontz paperback I picked up last week.
myspace, facebook, blogging do I dare start up with twitter????


Anonymous said...

Yes, do Twitter... tweeting is fun!!! I do that more than blogging it seems anymore. Sad, that my profundity is limited to 140 characters.

Anonymous said...

What is Twitter?
Do I lose geek points for not knowing?

Anonymous said...

No, we don't take points away... we just use this as an opportunity to educate the uneducated. Twitter is microblogging... 140 characters or less... there's a huge community of Twitterers here in Knoxpatch. It's cool. When you just feel like saying something fast, not a full-on post, Twitter is it. It's also an excellent messaging tool., check it out!

overtly trite said...

it really is the next step in geekiness it scares me a little :)