Saturday, January 10, 2009

is it in the genetics?

why on earth can I not be more organized? It is the family joke only not so much a joke that the maternal line all tend to be clutter queens and not so much organized department. No one has a dirty home just cluttered-I type sitting in our spare room that has essentially become my junky closet. It would take a day of cleaning & re-arranging if someone wanted to sleep in here tonight. Our bedroom is still cluttered from where I stored my stuff when my folks visited in April and don't even get me started on the garage situation. We had talked about getting a dumpster this spring but never did and we still need to. That needs rephrasing I still need to it is my mess and quite honestly I need to clean it up. I know what needs throwing and what needs donating and yes even what needs saving I am still a pack rat at heart I don't want to get rid of everything, I just want it organized better. For now I will start with the spare room we hoping to let it be a game room of sorts for C & his ps2, his room is much improved and was purged just before the holidays which means new bedroom furniture from his grandmother which in turn means a bunk bed which futher means sleepovers so we need the spare room to be the game room.

Friday, January 9, 2009

snuck up on me

turned out to be report card day for C and yipee for him every single grade had been raised since the last time! There was nary a C or an S to be found. So as it stands he will indeed be allowed to play baseball this spring.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

let me know how that works out for you

Several year ago we took in our niece so she could remain in K-town for her senior year of high school. It was a difficult year at best fraught with lots of complaints about how strict we were. One of my favorite moments was an argument over curfew of all things and I will never forget her telling me that she couldn't wait till she was my age and could do what she wanted to when she wanted to. I laughed in her face, couldn't help it! I am still wondering when exactly it is I can do whatever I want when I want. She is grown, married with a newborn of her own and coming into the harsh realization that sometimes being a grown-up sucks. None of her problems are serious just your typical everyday variety you know the ones that mean you don't always get things your way but from this vantage point very amusing.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


hope we have enough milk and bread...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

monday monday again

the new year bumps slowly along and today starts the first full week at work in what seem simultaneously feels like forever and not quite long enough. Tomorrow C starts back to school and can someone explain why it makes more sense to start on Tuesday instead of Monday have they not been off long enough? School for me starts on the 15th why a Thursday? who knows? What I do know is my school schedule will have me working on Saturdays which I am not looking forward to but I have to keep focusing on the end game and remember this is only going to get more difficult as I progress ever so slowly towards nursing school. hopefully.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

so have I missed out on the good luck?

I have lived in the south long enough to know to serve black-eyed peas & green in New Year's Day for good luck and I had bought both for dinner. David had planned on defrosting & cooking some ribs we had but at one point his mother offered to take the family out to celebrate JJ's birthday so no one would have to cook on New Years which was a great plan but JJ(BIL) was working all day so it didn't really pan out. The upshot being we had not taken ribs out of the freezer and I thought no big deal I will run down to the store and pick up some Cornish game hens but then I was so incredibly lazy all day that that plan didn't pan out so much either. We wound up noshing on leftover appetizers from the night before and JJ dropped off some wings on his way home from work it was one of those famous FFY(fend for yourself) nights my parents would sometimes schedule when we were growing up. It worked but no greens or black-eyed peas were consumed. I am cooking my big New Year's Day meal today I hope a 4 day window is okay in the luck department.