Friday, May 25, 2007

benedict arnold

Last Saturday at C's little league game just one hour in the sun reddened my scalp so I decided to pick up a baseball hat of my own instead of grabbing one from the boys. Went looking for a Yankees hat-why wouldn't I? Found a cute little pink hat with the NY Yankees emblem at Target just perfect and on clearance at that! a comment on their season? or just a pink hat merchandised in the men's section? Yesterday evening was the perfect sunny day to wear said hat at C's last game little did I know they were in fact playing the Yankees...

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I took my car this a.m. which meant switching D's stuff back to his car, getting the camp chairs for tonight's baseball game into my car, putting the back seat back up, clearing out front seat for the ride down to the bus stop. Thought we were all set started car , door ajar flashed open so I told C to check his door as I checked mine-all clear then I realized the back hatch was open. OK all set? nope door ajar I had also left the passenger back seat door open. Clearly I need lots & lots of coffee to get my through today

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

window day

new windows are being installed today! happy already they were scheduled to arrive at 8.30 & they rolled up at 8.32! since I am tethered to the house today I am going to start cleaning for Sunday's memorial day bash which looks to be quite the fiesta in the making