Friday, June 13, 2008

happy birthday

to my precious little boy who is not so very little any longer.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

a moment in time

I am not too sure what exactly was going on 8 years ago today.
I do remember it was the last night it was just the 2 of us June 13, 2000 we became the 3 of us.
I know it was a Monday-I picked Tuesday to be induced and I know we went to lunch with his Mom but that is the only memory I have of that day. I am fairly sure I would have been somewhat anxious but it is a clean slate for me overshadowed by the following day which is one of the most incredible days in my life..

not much going on here

do you know how much work it takes to act like you are really working????
and it's shame really I have loads of things to get done.....
same at home but you know what?
I am planning on goofing off there later this evening

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


thought I might have screwed up with the MIL yesterday.
A gaggle of D's family was in town and there were big plans we're going to dinner, we're going to dinner then all of a sudden oops no dinner is cancelled
Currently my life is pretty scheduled if it's not on my to do list I don't have time to go to the bathroom. Because I thought we were going out I did not start dinner in the crock pot, I left work a little later with the plans to skip tae kwan do and so on and so on I re-worked my schedule based on dinner plans and when it got cancelled I must admit to being just a wee bit snippy on the phone. I also need to add in the fact it is hotter than hell here and I have PMS and I'm still dealing with allergies and I have my first exam tonight.
Luckily she knows how stressed I am and I got away with an apology. You just never know what slight whether real or imagined might set her off and quite frankly my life is just easier when we all just get along....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

latest and greatest in bad reality tv

I think it has been on for some time now but I have just discovered and become addicted to the Kimora Lee Simmons one. And I am ok with that.
The really horrible train wreck of a show I caught yesterday afternoon
OMG poor Denise...
was Charlie the normal one in the relationship?
It really makes me wonder why celebrities and faux celebrities would want their lives opened up for public consumption more so than they already are?

blasphemy for a Tuesday morning

if you are a coffee drinker you may wish to avert your eyes or go on about your morning elsewhere....
I generally speaking spend my days heavily caffeinated
-several cups of coffee in the morning
-caffeinated soda at lunch and another sometimes at dinner
-then during the week I also drink iced tea most of the day(and here comes the first blaspheme) unsweet yes I am a northerner I prefer my tea unsweetened with lemon thank you very much
My first day of class grabbed another cup of coffee just before class to get me to 10 pm, I found myself crashing big time by the time class was over.
Here comes the second blaspheme-next time I tried cutting back on caffeine during the day and lo and behold it helped
REALLY I swear I know it is hard to believe and quite frankly I am still a little dumbfounded myself by this revelation but never fear I fully caffeinate the rest of the week!
D also forced me into drinking on of those horrible vitamin B12 shot things you get a gas stations
holy crap they really work! who knew?

Monday, June 9, 2008

just how hot is it?

the schools back in my hometown are letting out early for the day
central air conditioning is definitely a "southern thing" I could no longer live without
that and apple butter

birthday party '08

-birthday party went well everyone had a good time(I hope)
-camo cupcakes were in fact yummy
-so was the cookie cake he just had to have-also with camo decorations
-added bonus the tank on cupcakes was no mere decoration it was in fact a Transformer-brawl maybe I am not up on my Transformers
-the funniest kid(no really mommy he is sooo funny) in class must have been having an off day he did not appear that amusing to me
-I am glad birthday parties are but once a year
-why gift bags?
-and more importantly why do gift bag type items get sold in such random amounts?
24 bubbles, 24 tattoos, 24 yo-yo's but only 20 gift bags
-I still miss those first couple of birthday parties when we could have a cookout for our friends
-next year we scale back with bowling or perhaps putt putt
-still need to order more cupcakes for Friday which is his actual birthday. One plus to having the summer birthday unlike regular school you can still bring cupcakes into daycare/summer camp
-seriously 8? when did that happen