Saturday, May 10, 2008

are red lights optional before 7 on the weekends?

because some moron in an SUV turning onto Lovell Road seemed to think so! I just wanted to know if I had missed a memo or something?
and what was I doing out before 7 on a Saturday morning you ask? why coming into work for a couple of hours of course. The idiot at tech support failed to call me back on Thursday to let me know to run a program on Friday before we needed to to use the database so here I am early Saturday before we need to use the database running whatever it is I am running-like I know anything about computers really come on! We could be computing pi to the million place for all I know....


Anonymous said...

Blackberry Pi? Or Apple? That's important you know.

overtly trite said...

strawberry rhubarb of course
yum that sounds good actually-is there a pie shop in town?

Anonymous said...

No, but there needs to be... somebody should look into that.

Anna said...

Can we make it like that Pie shop from that show Pushing Up Daises? The Pie Hole?! I hate to say that I'm glad I'm not the only one working today. I hate saturday work.