Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I had lots to blog about today

till I discovered myself on the nespapaper's blog site. Then I debated how vague I could be and still make the stories amusing. Then I realized maybe only I would find the stories amusing in the long run anyway....
the place of my employment is frickin nuts and we should just leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

You didn't know you were on there? I did... I was happy for you. But it does require some careful work to avoid being Dooced. But, yeah, all your prosaic glory is up there in Jack Lail's lights! Can you believe I got quoted yesterday by Michael Silence, Katie Granju, & A.C. Kleinheider? All in one day, about two different post? Just shocked and amazed I was.

Anna said...

I say throw caution to the wind dahlink! What's "dooced"?!

Anna said...

Okay - just checked the Urban Dictionary on that one...DO NOT THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND.
Thank you.

overtly trite said...

yes I think discretion is the better part of valor on my part...

Anonymous said...

Um yeah, being dooced sucks. I've gone back through her old posts around the time that happened to her... scary. On another note... didja read about the blogger lawsuit in Nashville... am sure the BEW is following that closely as regards my blog, eh?

overtly trite said...

have not seen the Nashville thing but I'll google it later.
It can be so big brotherish and I catch myself sometimes changing what I write I stil think of blogging as talking to myself on same strange level.

Randall said...

You could probably ask the newspaper folk to NOT link to your blog. I could pass along a request, even.

overtly trite said...

the newspaper link does not bother me at all I thought it was sort of funny to find it there. Ultimately I have no idea who is & is not reading so I don't want to get to detailed about the insanity 'round this joint!