Tuesday, January 15, 2008

confession time

I have a horrible horrible horrible confession to make
My Christmas tree is still up
there it's out there now go ahead judge me..


Anonymous said...

Martha Stewart is judging you... bad Nobody, bad bad bad. Should I rub it in that mine was down before New Years? But then again, this time last year mine was still up too. Okay, no judgement here.

Appalachian Feminist Breeder said...

Randall just took down our winter wreath.

Jennilu said...

It's ok. My tree didn't come down until Saturday. I was thinking about leaving it up and changing taking the ornaments off and then hanging hearts all over it. I think it would be cute.

Bro. Byron said...

You have hereby been judged. Verdict: you've been added to the cool list. I wish our tree was still up. If we had a bigger house, I would leave the thing up all year long!