Tuesday, February 3, 2009

the snow day miracle

first thing out of C's mouth this morning. There was more miracle talk when the weather came on and they started in with more snow coming tonight. So a snow miracle??!? Not really quite sure it qualifies as a miracle but whatever....
While my class was technically cancelled the teacher sent out the word she wanted us there at 10 ready to start on the exam. So I went and did what she assigned then found the rest of it online to be finished before noon tomorrow & I have plans to finish it tomorrow morning in my pajamas & slippers with my morning coffee. Isn't technology grand?
David dropped C over at his mother's house for the day so he could play Wii and probably eat pizza or Mickey D's for lunch as well as various & sundry other bits of junk food throughout the day. Not exactly the most productive use of a day off but what are 'ya going to do? I think perhaps the full snow day today might have been a waste especially if we get the snow they are calling for tonight and really need a snow day tomorrow. I don't know I realize it can be a difficult decision, can't please all of the people all of the time etc however I think they could have managed with just a delay this morning. They never do delays here for some reason I just don't know what that reason might be.

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