Wednesday, November 26, 2008

third grade extortion racket

in the midst of getting ready and trying to get out the door yesterday C comes into the room, closes the door over and does his serious face and the dreaded I need to talk to you about something. He then proceeds to spill a story about how he had pushed X but only in self defense but that T was demanding one dollar and a bakugan or he would tell Mrs H. I did refrain from laughing but told him it would be okay and tell T to go ahead and tell on him he wasn't going to get in any trouble a day later. I think T's career path as a mob enforcer might be numbered as he had apparently forgotten about the entire incident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The third grade is indeed a tough place to be. My 8 year old daughter hates to see other children bullied. She is always trying to rescue other children. Not too long ago a boy on the playground was picking on a little girl. He had the little girl by the leg and was dragging her on the ground. My daughter told him to stop being mean and to let go. He let go, pushed my daughter to the ground and stomped on her leg.