Friday, May 23, 2008

season is over

after a devastating 15-12 loss our team is out of the tournament on the very first night.
It's a shame they are a team with potential but with the wacky weather this spring the only had 4 practices ah well they had fun which at the end of the day is all that really matters.
I am kind of horrible but we established that some time ago did we not? back to being horrible I am secretly happy they lost I think the tournament goes on well into June and I have school starting next Wed and would have had to rely on MIL to get him to pick him up, feed him then get him practices & or games or D would have to leave work early and well this is just easier on everyone involved.


Anonymous said...

BAD MOM!!! No martini! Srsly, I feel you on the whole loss thing. Secretly I was so happy that Webb lost in the second playoff round last fall. Love driving to Nashville, but not every week.

overtly trite said...

yuck every week?
I like Nashville too but blah-was Webb at least handing out gas cards?
hahaha I crack myself up sometimes :)

Jennilu said...

I was just talking with a mom at school yesterday about this very subject. Her son is playing ball at World of Disney this summer. She said she kinda hopes his team loses early in the tournament so that the family can spend some time in the parks. If his team keeps winning they will spend their entire Disney vacation at the ball field. YUCKO!