Tuesday, May 20, 2008

ferocious guard dog

where? does someone have one?
we certainly don't. God love him Oscar superpug extraordinaire, very cute not much going on in the brain department. He is not a big barker more of a snorter and licker but in a crisis situation watch out...
Trying to get the boy moving and myself ready as well, Oscar started barking odd but maybe he needed out? no no thanks don't need that. back to making lunches, more barking again atypical for the dog I look over to see my cute Target $1 tote bag with a lion on it right in Oscar's line of sight
What he was protecting us from I'm not quite sure but he was not asleep on the job no not Oscar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Oscar's official legal representation I must respectfully request that you quit impugning his good name as a Pug. He's sassy, sexy, and simply irresistable! He's Oscar the Super-Pug! And just one of his sweet puppy kisses is guaranteed to make any day brighter!

In his words: "I is too smrt!"
