Monday, December 3, 2007


so C is having his first penance this evening at the advent services at church. It is meant as sort of a family thing but as D is not catholic and I am not dragging him along to this- it's not a biggie in the whole sacraments sort of thing so no need to make him suffer more than necessary. He'll get stuck going to first communion and the odd sunday or 2 when C talks him in to joining us. Anyway my problem is actually going to confession myself. I have not been since oh hell high school maybe? Seriously at this point I would be in there for HOURS...
How much of a hypocrite am I? Should I just go and give the highlights? start at a previous decade and tell him I'll be back next week?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, now that's a dilemma! I'd just give the backstory - "been a very long time... blah blah blah" then give the highlight reel "87 times of impure thoughts, 462,913 times I took the Lord's name in vain, oh, yeah, and sex, how much do you want to know about there? And, blah blah blah, ... etc. etc. etc." I mean hell, who keeps notes on that stuff? Or, you could just brazen it out... walk in, say "I've sinned, a bunch, and it's been a long time since I've been here, so how much you want to know and/or how much time you got?"
That'll get their attention... but since you've got the membership card they can't throw you out! Really! And if they try to, just threaten them with going over to the Whiskypalians... they'll take anybody! Most of the catholics I know are "Cafeteria" style anyway... you know, walking through the religious line, selecting the doctrine that matches their lives, leaving the stuff that doesn't fit on the counter. But that rule generally applies to all faiths, and you know what? Not everybody wants to be Opus Dei! It'll be okay... trust me. I watched my best friend, the devout atheist, take communion at her wedding mass, and no parishoners were injured by lightning (but we did wear rubber-soled shoes, just in case!)

overtly trite said...

luckily I was able to not go without any fuss or protests from C. I was a parish thing with the 2nd graders getting first dibs on confessing so by the time he was done lines were long with regular sinners and he had school the next day...
honestly at 7 how much sinning does he really have?!

Randall said...

These experiences are something, aren't they?