Saturday, May 1, 2010

a modern day O. Henry tale

well not really my tale has nothing about gift giving and certainly not selflessness in any way shape or form, it is however my second post in less than 2 days about shoes which must mean something but what I am not quite sure. I discovered Marti & Liz yesterday; it's been there for ages apparently so I am not exactly Magellan here but they have an eclectic mix of affordable shoes and you can read about the store here. I found a few pairs I would have loved to purchase but could really not justify this week so I mostly window shopped so to speak and just as I had decided to head out a pair of Coach sandals that I must have walked past several times jumped out at me my size and everything, and they fit and they were only $39.99! A bargain I tell 'ya! Of course that meant I spent my pedicure money on a pair of sandals that I can't wear till I get a pedicure.....

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