Monday, June 16, 2008

spoke too soon

so D decided he would rather grill out at the house than go out for Father's Day so that is what we did, more work on him and me for that matter but the man can grill some chicken let me tell 'ya!
We had a nice leisurely day big breakfast with gifts and cards for D, then a trip to visit with his Dad and back again home where we cooked with his mom, sister & niece.
It was an entirely enjoyable weekend caught the new Indiana Jones flick which I enjoyed, went to a new restaurant I wanted to try D gave it a thumbs down I thought it was alright but I suspect not to be added to our repertoire, dinner out with the family for C's birthday at Applebees (his choice) but you know their menu and food is not half bad for what it is. I tried to push for Vinnie & Me "but that's your favorite mommy".
shopping included the spending of birthday gift cards for the boy, Chinese food was consumed, finally watched the Departed sorry Mr Scorsese I was underwhelmed, my stats homework made sense, not sure if it got easier or it just clicked for me but I hope the understanding continues...


Unknown said...

I'd never heard of Vinnie & Me, but it looks amazing! Reading the menu made me almost drool...Will definitely be checking that place out!

Glad that the stats are making more sense. I'm very impressed - I get a headache just thinking about studying them.

overtly trite said...

v&m is very yummy!
my goal with stats is just to pass so hopefully I won't have to take ti a second time :)

Anonymous said...

Another restaurant I've managed to miss... will have to go there, soon!