Tuesday, June 3, 2008

maybe it won't kill me

so after my first class last week I was very demoralized and completely overwhelmed.
doing the homework almost all day Sunday did not improve my disposition regarding Probability & Statistics.
Yes I know I am intelligent or I use to be a long time ago yes I have an aunt & mother who teach the course but ultimately no matter how much help they provide it is still just me sitting in that classroom with a test. If I don't understand the right answers do not matter.
After class last night I did not think my head would explode with information I did not understand. I did not feel like bursting into tears. Improvements over last week and I felt a little bit like maybe I could survive and pass the class which honestly is all I am shooting for at this point just passing-uncharacteristic of my academic life previously but goals change-improvise, adapt, overcome and all that(no, no Marines in the family I evidently have watched Heartbreak Ridge a few too many times)

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