kids that is I am convinced 3 is the new 2 and in the area I live 4 and even 5 very trendy, very trendy indeed sort of like a new bag or shoe...but I digress.
I always thought we would have 2 kids ourselves, turns out I was wrong. Somewhere along the way D changed his mind and by the time he reversed it I was conflicted about the idea of having another at this late date. Yes I know many women have children into their 40s and every thing is just fine and dandy-personally I have concerns both physical and mental and well quite frankly financial. When we had C we just sort of leaped into it fortunately at the time my MIL was available to watch C and be his daycare, D was also happily downsized from his job when C was 1 and with severance & unemployment was able to spend almost a year at home playing Mr Mom. When the boy was 2 we had a fantastic not so expensive daycare for him plus we were residing in my FIL's house for minimal rent. We managed-in truth babies are not sooo expensive they really start to cost as they get older and as far as I can tell it seems to be getting worse each year. We would need a bigger house with a second plus there is the extracurricular activities not sure where we would find the time and money for another kiddo or even to continue with things for C.
We got lucky with C he is a great kid, pain in the a** sometimes but a really good, smart funny kid, a fairly easy happy baby at the time, healthy with normal childhood ailments. I think as you get older it is more of a crap shoot with risks that scare me. Not to mention I am no spring chick and we could not afford any sort of prolonged bed rest or anything. Except for 1 week in the hospital I worked pretty much right up to the day I gave birth.
Back to the spring chick thing the thought of throwing up every morning dragging myself to work trying to nap as much as possible would be more difficult for me now. I don't even want to think about sleepless nights, endless diapers, infant illness when all you can do is hold them & they still don't understand why they feel horrible, potty training ugh!
On the flip side that warm little cuddly body snuggled up against you, the smell of a baby-the good kind not the baby puke smell, bright eyes looking up at you with a sly smile, arms grabbing to get picked up. I get jealous when I see someone with a baby!
Then again when my nieces were hear a car and trips with 3 kids-I would need prozac-seriously.
Watching another mother at the ball field the other night trying to wrangle 3 under the age of 4 while her oldest was on the field let me say I was glad I was able to get in a phone to my mom & read some of my book.
So there it is am conflicted at best on this issue but resolved that the one is probably it for us. Good thing he is such a wonderful one!
I love your post. As a matter of fact I had the same subject on a list of future topics here at my desk. I guess it is because people are always making snarky remarks about us only having one child. They think the only child thing is so terrible. I don't hear Kaylea complaining too loud and when she does, I kindly remind her if she had a sibling she wouldn't get near as much. That normally shuts her up.
ha ha! we keep telling C the same thing plus he only has to share his vast inheritance with the dog...
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