Thursday, April 24, 2008


love 'em. I read a lot always have. I have been know to have 2 going at the same time-no big deal that is until you lose one. There was 1 I lost awhile ago with only about the last third of the book to finish and I knew I did not finish and knew it the back of my head hey I need to either find the book or just buy an new one-a new used one that is- to finish it. As I found myself reading the next book by this author this weekend clearly I am missing some vital plot points...guess I need to hit the bookstore on the way home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished a hardback yesterday and am working on an audiobook at the same time. So, yeah, I get the whole reading thing. Way too much. The Bob actually says that my next nightstand should be a book shelf since I've always got a stack of books and magazines sitting there waiting for me.