Wednesday, February 20, 2008

so when I die

and hopefully go to heaven will they really give me a box of my mismatched socks and mittens to sort through? and will I get back the one earring I fumbled, dropped and lost this morning??? because it was a pretty little diamond earring my sweetie gave me for my 40th birthday and I'm pissed at myself for being a klutz!
C being of generous heart and nature offered me one of his $20 bills so I could buy myself a replacement earring.


Anonymous said...

Oh no... I hate that for you, really. I've come so close to doing that so many times. And it just kills me to misplace jewelry of any kind. But C is such a sweet boy... good to his Momma and all. Maybe D will be just as kind and help you out with a new pair?

overtly trite said...

we do have an anniversary coming up in april but happily I found the earring yesterday afternoon!