Sunday, January 27, 2008

this is an ex-parrot!

so we've had a murder ok maybe manslaughter or um actually birdslaughter at the house. I believe Oscar may or may not have attacked a bird. Oddly enough he did not go for the kill but barked at it wildly and kept jumping over it near as I can tell. So I'm not sure if he attacked and then did not know what to do with it or just prefers the taste of Iams lamb & rice to wild bird.
I did not want to deal with it last night so I surrounded it with various sundry junk hoping to confound the pug but of course first thing this morning he went right for it so I had to dispose of the little critter.
Beautiful plumage though


Anonymous said...

Did you call CSI - Avian? Has Oscar hired Herb Moncier? I'm sure it was justifiable homicide or involuntary birdslaughter. Tell him I'll take his case, after all I've been with the legal system I'm practically an attorney myself.

overtly trite said...

you're hired but you'll have to monitor his e-mail someone called tweetieb keeps sending him mail...