Friday, December 12, 2008

snow day

hmmm yup did not get one. Shocking I know. Good thing I made my nine bazillion cookies last night although I believe I caused a rift in my marriage by telling David he could not sample any. Yes I should have made an extra batch but I had exactly enough for the teacher's cookie exchange. I suppose I will make more this weekend. So back to the snow day or rather lack there of.. I still turned on local news this morning because lack of snow is not necessarily an indication of school cancellation C anxiously watched with me and got excited when he saw Knox County scrawl across the bottom only to have his little hopes shattered at it being Knox County KY
maybe next time buddy...


Anonymous said...

Sorry... I too was just like C. Not a frackin flake... other than me that is. Grrrrr.

overtly trite said...

I must admit I was really wishing for a snow day myself!!!!

Chris D said...

hate o beat a dead horse... all the snow you could want is just sitting around up here in Chicago

Jennilu said...

Yes, well we, too (or should I say we, two) were hoping for a snow day. I was up at 2 am then sprang from my bed at 6:15 each time feeling so dissappointed when Sevier County was not listed. Heck, they even called out school in Blount County and last I checked those mountains between Blount and Sevier counties are connected. Oh well, maybe another day.

Marsha Loftis said...

I was disappointed it didn't snow. It was a major let down when I woke this morning...I wanted snow. :(