Tuesday, November 30, 2010

wait a minute I mean me...

the Jiffy corn bread on the very bottom shelf at Kroger is poor planning at best. Oh it's all well and good when the product is stocked but try shopping for it around the holidays. Invariably it sells well and folks buy the boxes out from the front and you have to dig to get the boxes stocked back further in the shelves or you could assume they are out of stock and shop elsewhere. Luckily I only had to bend down and my arm was just long enough to grab a couple of boxes instead of getting on the dirty floor just for corn bread. I was just annoyed enough to run by customer service and suggest they fix the problem because "you might have an older customer that cannot get the corn bread" and I walked off considering the fact that I'm an older customer not interested in sitting on the floor to shop

1 comment:

DavidShag said...

I am surprised that this is on the bottom shelf - I thought it was a big seller, and that they put those in the high visibility range. I never thought of it as an accessibility issue - I am old as hell, and the only issue I usually have with the bottom shelf is that I don't think to look down there until I have gone through all the other shelves three times.