Saturday, September 22, 2007


Each fall knox county school students sell coupon books to make money for the school system. $10 will get you a really valuable book of coupons that you can use around town throughout the year. The sales kicked off this thursday-or at least the info came home in the backpack thursday, they were off friday so we did not get any books for C to sell yet, I suppose I could have gone by the school thursday & bought some them but I didn't. C did come home with stories about what prizes you can get if you are top seller, allegedly $300. Now he won't be a top seller. Top sellers sell crazy amounts, he will sell around 15-20 enough to get a tee shirt & a few other silly awards. The top sellers are usually kids with parents that own a business & can sell them at the front counters, if it came down to it I could probably do this where I work but you have to front the $$ for the books and I don't have hundreds of dollars to do this plus 15-20 is just fine.
So friday after work we stopped by the supermarket only to be accosted by these little shysters selling coupon books for $5! They also had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to buy one! I was walking with my clearly school aged child! What am I going to say no C I won't buy a coupon book from you but I will send $5 less to buy it from these strange girls?

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