Sunday, September 2, 2007

it was inevitable

C is a Vols fan. Yes a dyed-in-the-wool head over heels orange wearing UT football fan. Oh where did we go wrong?! He was allowed to watch part of the game last night and first question out of his mouth this morning "did they win?" And football is yet another sport he is aching to play, we have ruled NO on that sport for right now. I think he is too young and D just never wants him to play football EVER which I think in this area where football is a religious experience and with C's size and apparent natural abilities in sports(courtesy of daddy's gene's not mine) that will be hard to enforce. And D played baseball, basketball & football growing up so it might be hard to explain why it was ok for dad but not for C. The problem is D now looking back feels that he was always playing or practicing for something and we don't want C to be over loaded with extra-curricular activities especially at such a young age plus some of D's physical stuff is in part due to football related injuries & he only played high school not college ball. I can already see that we might fall into to the year-round sports track he takes tae kwan do weekly plays spring & fall baseball and I am letting him add basketball this year. Ultimately I think as long as he is doing well in school, not over tired and enjoying playing what he is playing it'll be fine. If C stops enjoying a sport we will quit right away, I am striving not to be the pushy parent.
I did have some interesting insight into my hubby's psyche yesterday at the baseball game he admitted to it being difficult in the competitive situation to be sitting on the sidelines and not actually playing the game.


Appalachian Feminist Breeder said...

Arggh! I tried to edit a comment because i left out a word but it shows that I deleted the post. Now I look like some weird blog stalker! I was just going to say that I appreciate the concerns that you and your husband have about C's safety.
Tomorrow, my son is starting a weight training specifically for kids class at the YMCA. (He is only 10 but he weighs 110 pounds and is nearly as tall as me.)The class emphasizes safety and common sense. Maybe C might like something like this when he gets older?

overtly trite said...

that's a great idea, I didn't know the y offered that