Wednesday, February 9, 2011

do you like my hat?

I do not consider myself a vain person & I've never had lush gorgeous hair but it was alright I mean I had good hair days occasionally and the bald spots had been sort of tolerable maybe even vaguely amusing but only because I had enough hair to hide them. Except last night I discovered they may being getting harder to hide...insert ginormuos sigh...MIL is suppose to take my to her hairdresser this week and she has been after me to sen a lock of hair to my SIL because and I quote (or paraphrase I suppose) "any hair S gets in Las Vegas is going to better than hair we find here in town" In the mean while I am a hat girl as of now officially. Ran by wally world & got a cute newsboy hat, browsed ebay & amazon and more hat shopping to come...really really soon like this afternoon.

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